Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cookie Rally- Jan 9th, 2009

Well the girls were SO excited to get to go to the rally. Katia, Angela, LeeAnn, Alyssa, Tessa, Mikaila, Lauren, Lindsey, Nicole and Shelby all came. It was the first outing that all ten girls came along. Getting there a few minutes early the girls were excited and got to run off some energy playing on the stairs in front of the High School. They were eager to try the new cookies and get their order forms. They got to make new goals, go over cookie selling rules, play cookie bingo with candy (yum), tasted thin mints & trefoils, and made a Valentine mat for a special breakfast. Of course they also got their cookie order forms.

Katia's favorite part:

Angela's favorite part:

LeeAnn's favorite part:

Alyssa's favorite part: Making Valentine Mat's for the Homeless

Tessa's favorite part: Tasting the Cookies

Lauren's favorite part:

Lindsey's favorite part: Playing around on the stairs before it started

Mikaila's favorite part: Tasting the Cookies

Nicole's favorite part:

Shelby's favorite part:

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